››IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Florida, USA [07-13.07.13]

The Conference paper entilted: Design requirements of microwave sensor for pneumothorax diagnosis, M. Christopoulou and S. Koulouridis has been accepted for poster presentation in the IEEE 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation that will take place in Florida, USA on July, 07-13, 2013.

ieee aps

››BioEM 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece, [10-14.06.13]

The Conference paper entilted: Patch antenna configuration for pneumothorax diagnosis, M. Christopoulou and S. Koulouridis has been accepted for poster presentation in theJoint Meeting of The Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) and the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA)-BioEM2013 that will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, on June, 10-14, 2013.


›› Participation in Technology Exhibition, Infocenter, Patras [08-09.12.12]

Preliminar results of microDIAGNOSIS will be presented at Technology Exhibition which will take place at Infocenter, Patras, Greece, on December, 08-09, 2012. The aim of the Exhibition is to introduce research results to the local productive and investment representatives.

››Workshop Announcement Acceptance [04.09.12]

The Workshop announcement entilted: microDIAGNOSIS: Microwave-based diagnosis for pneumothorax and detection of air cavities in body, M. Christopoulou and S. Koulouridis has been accepted for poster presentation in the 7th International Workshop on Biological effects of  Electromagnetic fields that will take place in Malta, on October, 8-12, 2012.



European Social Fund (ESF) | Greek State


IEEE APS 2013 conference paper accepted:Design requirements of microwave sensor for pneumothorax diagnosis

ieee aps 2013

BioEM 2013 conference paper accepted: Patch antenna configuration for pneumothorax diagnosis

BioEM 2013